Monday, September 15, 2008

My Life Is An Open (face)Book

Everyone can join.

Yup, that's what it says...right there on the facebook splash page.

I guess they didn't get the memo about how everyone but parents can join. Unless, of course, they'd like to live with mortified children simply apoplectic that their domain is no longer propriety unto themselves, alone.

Ah, the anguished looks I suffered. The sheer ickiness I was led to believe I was perpetrating.

Never mind the fact that I promised not to friend their friends (and yet was friend requested by a few). Forget that I said I would never write unbidden on their walls, comment on their photos or even, heaven forbid, remark in the privacy of our own home on their latest status update.

So why suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous facebooking? Well, it'! That's really it. Our kids are not stupid. They wouldn't have spent all these years building this incredible social networking site if there wasn't something enjoyable to be gotten out of it!

The networking is fun. The applications are fun. Poking people is fun. Changing profile pictures is fun. Coming up with clever status updates is fun.

Come on! Move over and share facebook with me!

Peri is...having fun!